Unfortunately the fog in our area is still very thick with little visibility. Seneca East is closed today. 9/10/2020

Due to the fog, Seneca East is on a 2-hour delay today. Thursday September 10, 2020. Students in 6-12 will follow the 1,2,3 schedule

Due to the fog Seneca East is closed today, September 9, 2020

Seneca East is on a 2 hour delay today, September 9, 2020.

SE Families and Community,
Thank you for a great first full week of school. I believe staff and students are adjusting to the new routines. As we reflected on the week, we have made some changes to our Reopening Plan. Please continue to check the website for updates. I want to make you aware of a few new items in our plan:
We are sending home some changes for the morning student drop-off procedure. Elementary drop-off students will have information explaining these changes when they come home today. Please look this over or check the Reopening Tab of the website for the same handout.
Students in middle and high school are now allowed to carry their bookbags with them during the day. This should make it easier for the students to move from room to room. Students still have access to their lockers at the scheduled locker breaks, so they do not need to carry the full day's books and materials.
We have added to COVID-19 reporting feature to the district web sit. This will allow parents to report a positive COVID-19 case to school officials outside of school hours.
Thanks again for supporting the reopening of school in our community!
Laura Kagy

If you would like to watch tonight's volleyball game against Buckeye Central, you can catch the live stream at:

There are some extra Elementary/Middle School soft cover yearbooks available for $15. If interested, you can stop in the office with a check payable to Seneca East. If you ordered a yearbook last school year, your student will receive their yearbook in their classroom to bring home.

Calling all 9-12th graders! If you are interested in being in The Kindness Club for 2020-2021, please sign up on Mrs. New's door (room 417) starting Wednesday, Sept. 2-Friday, Sept. 11. STUDENTS/ PARENTS/ COMMUNITY MEMBERS: If you have specific ideas on how The Kindness Club can help this year (social distancing and CDC guidelines followed), please email Mrs. New at jnew@se-tigers.com. Thank you! Please Share.

Congratulations to Jake Forehand for leading the Tigers to a victory on Monday evening with a score of 6-under par 29. A new school and N10 record!

Tonight's start time for the football game at Buckeye Central has been moved to a 7:30 pm due to the weather forecast.

August 25, 2020
Dear SE Families,
Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year and welcome back to Seneca East. We are excited to be starting the school year in person. I know you have received a lot of communication during the past two weeks and all the new procedures can seem overwhelming. Our staggered start will allow us to ease into the school year. Please know that our priority is the safety of students, staff, and community.
If it has been a while since you read or reviewed the district’s reopening plan, please take the time to review our plan again. The district plan, along with many other documents, are available under the Menu tab at www.se-tiges.com. Please check the website often for updates and sign up for push notifications. Communication during this time is critical. Please also make sure you have completed Final Forms. We use the district website, social media feeds, email, text, and voice messages to communicate. We can only reach you if we have the correct information in the Final Forms system.
Before sending your child to school, PLEASE evaluate your child’s health. If your child is sick or has any symptoms of COVID-19 including a new cough, difficulty breathing, loss of taste/smell, fever over 100, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or multiple lesser symptoms such as congestion or runny nose, sore throat, headache, or muscle weakness, DO NOT send your child to school. We are only going to be able to prevent the spread of COVID-19 within our school with your help. We need you to be vigilant and not send your child to school when he/she is sick.
Among the many new procedures please note the following:
All students, staff, and visitors must wear a mask or face coving on the school bus and at the school.
Parents will be allowed to accompany students to the classroom during the staggered start days. After that, parents will need to drop the students at the door and are not permitted to go to the classrooms or to be in the hallways.
Drinking fountains in the school have been disabled. Students should bring a filled water bottle with them. We have bottle fill stations, but these are limited in availability.
Students who have a district Chromebook should bring it to school charged and ready for the first day.
Parent pick-up locations and times at the end of the day have changed:
Parent pick-up for elementary and Grade 6 students who do not have to wait for older siblings will now be outside the gym entrance area. Students will be ready for pick up at 2:45 PM.
For students in those grades who have to wait for older siblings, the pick-up area will be outside the main office doors. Those students will be ready for pick up at 2:50.
Elementary students may report to classrooms at 7:40 AM. Students in grades 6-12 should report directly to the classroom and not stop at their lockers before the first period. The first period for grades 6-12 begins at 7:45. Our staggered start schedule is:
Wednesday, August 26: Grades 3,6,9 and half of Kindergarten
Thursday, August 27: Grades 2,4,7, 10 and half of Kindergarten
Friday, August 28: Grades 1, 5, 8, 11&12
Thank you for your support and patience as we return to school. We are all doing our best to implement the safety protocols necessary to allow us to be in school.
On behalf of the teachers and staff of Seneca East, I want to say welcome back. We missed you!
Laura Kagy

The elementary teachers and I are excited about having students back in our classrooms this week. Please check the district website for staggered start and back to school details and be sure to check out the new payment center for funding and maintaining student lunch accounts. Here are a few quick notes for elementary families. School fees for this school year have been waived. Students are required to wear face coverings on the bus and in school. We are not allowed to use drinking fountains, but water refill stations will be available. Please send filled water bottles with your children. Parent pickup plans have been revised and are posted on the district website. Students who are dropped off in the morning will start going to their classrooms at 7:40 AM. Those arriving earlier will wait in the regular line until bus students are ready to enter the building. And while parents are no longer allowed to walk students to classrooms due to Covid-19 regulations, we are allowing parents to walk children to classrooms during the first three days of school. If you have any questions or concerns about our restart of school plans, please contact Brad Powers. Office phone number is (419) 426-1854 and email is bpowers@se-tigers.com.

We are looking forward to starting school this week. Please check out the district website and make sure you are aware of the new protocols and procedures for coming back to school. All students must wear a mask on the bus and at school. We have a staggered start schedule with different grades coming on different days. We have new dismissal and parent pick up procedures. This plan has been shared in the past, but now that the start of the year is right around the corner please reread the document so you are aware of the details.
We look forward to seeing you back in school.

Parent Pick-Up Dismissal Plans for Grades K-6: Parent pick-up for Elementary and Grade 6 students who do not have to wait for older siblings will be now be outside the gym entrance area. Students will be ready for pick up at 2:45 PM. For students in those grades who have to wait for older siblings, the pick up area will be outside the main office doors. Those students will be ready for pick up at 2:50. Note: Elementary students being dropped off in the mornings will report to classrooms at 7:40 AM.

SE Parents, the bus times and numbers are now available. Click the link below to access the information. Also, please remind your students that a mask is required on the bus at all times. Families will be seated together as well. Please note, these times will not show the staggering pick up/drop off times for the first 3 days of school. All town stops times will stay the same as listed. The country stops, your bus driver will be in touch with you Monday as to when your pick up/drop off times are.
The transportation handbook is now on final forms, so please make sure you update final forms, before the first day of school. Thank you

Just a reminder that students are on a staggered start schedule next week! Here is the schedule again:
Wednesday, August 26
Grades 3,6,9 and half of Kindergarten
Thursday, August 27
Grades 2,4,7, 10 and half of kindergarten
Friday, August 28
Grades 1, 5, 8, 11&12

Please use the link to preorder your Seneca East Face Coverings!

Tax Free Weekend in Ohio Aug.7-Aug.9, 2020
Here are the items exempt from sales tax:
Clothing priced at $75 per item or less
School supplies priced at $20 per item or less
School instructional materials priced at $20 per item or less

The supply list for the Middle School grades 6 through 8 is now available on the school's website. Happy tax-free shopping!

Here is the fall sports picture schedule for this afternoon!